Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A Visit With Santa

I just received the above picture from Ben. He, Tracy, and Anna Tyler flew to Orlando to visit Tracy's sister and her family for Thanksgiving. Anna Tyler is getting to know her cousins Deven, Collin, and Kayla. Report is they are having a grand time and visited with Santa while there. We pray for their safe return home Friday and are looking forward to many stories and more pictures from the trip.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Bama Anna Tyler

I spent the day of the Alabama/LSU game with Anna Tyler and her Mommy and Daddy. We had fun doing some things around the house and playing. After a very nerve-racking game, I snapped this pic of Anna Tyler in her "Little" Al onesie. Roll Tide!

*I will have to give Tracy props for dressing her...thanks, Tracy*

Anna Tyler's Tree

Papa and Tisah decided that they would plant a tree in honor of their precious granddaughter. After much research and mulling over what type tree they would plant, they chose to plant a red maple. As you can see, Papa had plenty of help from Scout. We hope that Anna Tyler will enjoy watching her tree grow and change from season to season. The tree was planted in our front yard on Friday, November 7, 2008.